版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本
This is crosswords the Scandinavian way: Clues in squares.
Solve fun and challenging crosswords in this app, which will give you plenty of intelligent entertainment - every day.
The app is 100% free: The crosswords are free, and they will continue to be so.
Download the app now, and you'll be solving your first crossword within 1 minute. No registration or tedios steps to go through. Just choose which crossword you want to solve - then you're good to go!
You will always have at least 30 free crosswords on the app. Every day a new crossword appears, and the oldest is discarded.
If you enjoy solving crosswords, this is the app for you. Solve crosswords in the bus, in the line in the supermarket, or as a 10 minute break from work.
If you experience problems, or have questions about any of the crosswords, we'd love to hear from you at digitalcrosswords@krydsord.dk.